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  • p_user_id INT: User ID of the person executing the procedure.

Record Selection Criteria for Deletion:

  • Entity: irhp_application
  • Status Filter: Selects records where the IRHP application status is 'permit_app_nys' (not yet started).
  • Permit Type Filter: Specifically targets applications for permit types with IDs 6 (Roadworthiness Cert Vehicle) and 7 (Roadworthiness Cert Trailer).
  • Date Filter: Filters applications based on either the last_modified_on date or the created_on date being older than 12 months from the current date. This accounts for cases where the last modified date might be null.


  • This procedure identifies IRHP applications that are not yet started (status 'permit_app_nys') for specific permit types, selecting those whose last interaction or creation is older than 12 months.