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Organisation-User Cleanup

sp_cleanup_organisation_user Procedure Documentation

Important Note

This procedure does not currently seem to be invoked by the olcs-backend D&DR command handlers or referenced in the data_retention_rule table as a custom procedure. Has it ever been used? Is it Still required?


The sp_cleanup_organisation_user procedure maintains data integrity within the organisation_user table by removing records that are linked to users marked as deleted.

Execution Details

  • Transaction Control: The procedure is wrapped in a transaction to ensure all or nothing execution. If an error occurs, it triggers a rollback to revert all changes.
  • Error Handling: Comprehensive error handling is implemented to capture and report SQL errors. These errors are logged with detailed messages, including the error code and SQL state.

Process Steps

  1. Temporary Table Preparation:
    • A temporary table, temp_organisation_user_to_delete, is created to store the IDs of records to be deleted.
  2. Identifying Orphaned Records:
    • The procedure searches for organisation_user entries that refer to users with a non-null deleted_date, indicating they have been marked as deleted.
    • These IDs are collected in the temporary table.
  3. Deletion Operation:
    • Records identified for deletion are removed from the organisation_user table.
  4. Validation of Operation:
    • The procedure validates the deletion operation by comparing the expected number of records post-deletion with the actual count.
    • If discrepancies are found, an error is raised.
  5. Cleanup and Finalization:
    • Temporary tables are dropped to clean up the session.
    • A success message is displayed if the operation completes without errors.

Error Conditions

  • Mismatch in Record Counts: If the actual count of remaining records does not match the expected count, an error is raised.
  • Existence of Orphaned Records: If any records that should have been deleted remain in the database, an error is raised.

Execution Command

The procedure can be run manually using the following SQL:

CALL sp_cleanup_organisation_user();