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  • p_user_id INT: User ID of the person executing the procedure.

Record Selection Criteria for Deletion:

  • Entity: irfo_psv_auth
  • Status Filter: Selects records where the PSV authorization status is in one of the following states: 'irfo_auth_s_withdrawn' (withdrawn), 'irfo_auth_s_pending' (pending), 'irfo_auth_s_refused' (refused), 'irfo_auth_s_granted' (granted), or 'irfo_auth_s_cns' (consented).
  • No Expiry Date Filter: Specifically targets authorizations that do not have an expiry_date set.
  • Creation Date Filter: Filters authorizations based on the created_on date being older than the current date minus the retention period.


  • This procedure identifies IRFO PSV authorizations with specific statuses, particularly those without an expiry date and whose creation date is older than the current date minus the retention period.