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Data Retention System Overview

The Data Retention system is designed to manage the lifecycle of records in compliance with regulatory and internal data management policies. This system uses a set of "populate rules" to determine when records are eligible for deletion, ensuring data is handled securely and efficiently.

Key Components

Data Retention Rules

  • Table: data_retention_rule
  • Description: Stores the rules that define how data retention is handled for different types of entity. Each rule specifies the retention period, the maximum dataset size for consideration in a single run, and whether the rule is currently enabled.
  • Key Fields:
    • id: Unique identifier for the rule.
    • description: A brief description of what the rule does.
    • retention_period: How long (in months) to keep the data after record closure.
    • max_data_set: Limits the number of rows affected in a single operation.
    • is_enabled: Indicates if the rule is active.
    • action_type: Defines the type of action (e.g., automatic deletion, manual review).
    • populate_procedure: The stored procedure associated with populating data for this rule.

Data Retention Control Table

  • Table: data_retention
  • Description: Records information about data eligible for retention actions. It is populated by the stored procedures indexed in the data_retention_rule table,
  • Key Fields:
    • entity_name, entity_pk: Identify the database record to delete.
    • data_retention_rule_id: Links to the applicable retention rule that populated the record.
    • action_confirmation: Indicates whether the deletion action is confirmed by an admin user.
    • assigned_to: User ID for accountability.
    • next_review_date: When the record should next be reviewed.
    • actioned_date: When the deletion took place for this record.

Process Flow

  1. Rule Execution:

    • Stored procedures defined per rule in populate_procedure are executed regularly. These procedures evaluate records against their respective retention rules and populate the data_retention table with records eligible for deletion or review.
  2. Admin UI Interaction:

    • An administrative UI in the olcs-internal web app allows users to manage retention rules and review records flagged for manual action.
  3. Automated and Manual Deletion:

    • Records flagged for automatic deletion are processed in scheduled runs of the sp_dr_cleanup stored procedure, which handles the deletion of data and cleanup of any dependent records.
    • Records requiring manual approval are not deleted in these runs until manually reviewed and confirmed through the admin UI, then deleted in subsequent cleanup runs.

Security and Compliance

  • The system is designed to ensure compliance with data protection regulations by allowing records to be deleted after per-entity retention periods have expired, and allows for review and manual intervention when necessary.


The Data Retention system provides a framework for managing the lifecycle of data within the organisation. By automating data cleanup the system helps maintain data hygiene and regulatory compliance efficiently.