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VOL-APP Release Documentation

This document explains the release process for the VOL-APP application.


  1. All required changes (including any from olcs-etl) are already merged into main.
  2. A Release-Please Pull Request (PR) is open for the next version (e.g., v5.20.1).

Standard Release Steps

  1. Merge the pending Release-Please PR into main.

    • This compiles conventional commit messages into the changelog and triggers a new semver release (e.g. v5.20.1).
    • The CD pipeline will detect the “release” context and proceed in release mode.
  2. CD Pipeline Deploys to Nonprod

    • Builds, tests, and deploys to dev, then int. Smoke tests run in dev.
    • Smoke tests and regression tests run in int.
  3. Deployment to prep (Production Account)

    • Pipeline then deploys to the pre-production (prep) environment.
    • Further smoke tests are run in prep.
  4. Manual Approval for Production

    • Pipeline pauses before deploying to prod.
    • An authorised reviewer approves in GitHub, then the pipeline proceeds.
    • Terraform, migrations, and final deployment to prod happen. No automated tests run on prod.
  5. Release Completed

    • The final semver release (v5.20.1) is now live.
    • Future changes will form a new release.

Roles and Responsibilities

vol-app developers / platform engineers

  • Modify app code, Terraform, Dockerfiles, etc., to add features or fix bugs
  • Merge the Release-Please PRs for standard releases

vol-app QAs

  • Manage and monitor automated tests run by the pipeline
  • Perform additional manual testing in the relevant environments

DVSA staff

  • Perform UAT in prep
  • Prepare acceptance reports or any relevant validation

TSS staff

  • Verify that testing and UAT are complete
  • Approve progression to prod as authorised reviewers, if satisfied