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Publication Police Data Cleanup

sp_cleanup_publication_police_data Procedure Documentation

Important Note

This procedure does not currently seem to be invoked by the olcs-backend D&DR command handlers or referenced in the data_retention_rule table as a custom procedure. Has it ever been used? Is it Still required?


The sp_cleanup_publication_police_data procedure is designed to remove orphaned records from the publication_police_data table that no longer have corresponding entries in the publication_link table. This helps in maintaining the integrity of the database by ensuring that data references remain consistent.

Execution Details

  • Transaction Control: The procedure executes within a transaction to ensure that all operations are atomic. If an error occurs during execution, changes are rolled back to maintain database consistency.
  • Error Handling: Errors during execution will trigger a rollback and provide detailed error messages, including SQL state and error number, for debugging purposes.

Process Steps

  1. Temporary Table Creation: A temporary table temp_publication_police_data_to_delete is created to hold the IDs of records to be deleted.
  2. Identification of Orphaned Records:
    • The procedure identifies records in publication_police_data that reference non-existent records in publication_link.
    • These records are inserted into the temporary table.
  3. Deletion Validation:
    • Before deletion, the procedure calculates the expected number of records to remain post-deletion.
    • After deletion, it verifies that the count of remaining records matches expectations.
    • It checks for any remaining unwanted records and raises an error if mismatches are found.
  4. Record Deletion: Records identified as orphaned are deleted from publication_police_data.

Error Conditions

  • If the actual number of remaining records does not match the expected number, an error is raised.
  • If any records that were supposed to be deleted remain in the database, an error is raised.


To execute the procedure manually as a dev, use the following SQL command:

CALL sp_cleanup_publication_police_data();